Thursday, April 22, 2010


It's Thursday and I am still pregnant. I went in for my last checkup yesterday and I am dilated to a 3, which I am very happy about, but still not as effaced and I should be. My midwife is very confused why my body is acting so weird. Baby is head down in my pelvis and she thinks it is bald- we'll see. So we scheduled me for an induction on Tuesday if baby doesn't come on its own. That would be 2 days after my due date. I know due dates don't mean a whole lot and medically it is fine to go over your due date a little, yet I am so torn becuase I want to go into labor on my own and do the unmedicated birth again, yet I am so ready to be done with this pregnancy. With the 2 misscarriages last spring/summer I have really been pregnant for the last 13 months! Emotionally and physically that is a really long time! I really thought yesterday was the day- I woke up at 4:30 a.m. having contractions and I got up and paced the floor for and hour and a half with them coming every 3-5 minutes. Then at 6:00 they just stopped. After my appointment I had contractions all day- plus the storm- and I thought for sure I would be holding my baby by now. Nothing! I keep willing my water to break. I don't care where or what embarrasing situation it puts me in- I just want it to break and then things can get going! Once again, sorry for the whining, but this is a learning experience for me and next time I will know not to get my hopes up of having a baby before the due date! Hopefully my next post will involve pictures of a baby and fun information:)


Ariel said...

Come out little one. The world is waiting to meet you.

Melanie said...

You have to have this baby already!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so sorry. You are probably so misserable. I hope this baby has already come out by the time you get this comment and that it is a DREAM baby...

Amie said...

I will let you know when I make the next one. I have some yard work that has to come first. I hope all is well and can't wait to hear when the baby gets here.