Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patty's and BIG News!

Wow I have really neglected the blog lately! We finally got a new computer, yeah!, and I am motivated to get on the computer now because I know it won't take me 2 hours to check my email or download photos. Anyway, this is our first St. Patrick's Day with a child in school, and my it is different. It was a must that we all wear green, and Emmary was very insistent on making a trap for catching a leprechaun last night. Tim took the "treasure" and made a cute response last night- but forgot to take a picture of her trap first. Use your imagination- there were lots of coins and notes and necklaces to entice the little leprechaun in. Oh, and our big news is that we are having another baby! I am 14 weeks now. This baby is a surprise, but we are very excited and can't wait! Well, I can wait, but I know that doesn't make a difference, so I will just say I can't wait! I am due Septwmber 13 so that will put our two babies 16 months apart. Whew! Good thing my parents live around the corner, is all I have to say:)

tim's note from the leprechaun. I was asleep in bed while he did this because I am useless in the evenings and am asleep by 8:30 every night now.

footprints. Kids will believe anything they truly want to believe. Why would a leprechaun leave paper footprints? She didn't even question it!

We even got the world's prettiest rainbow a couple days ago. It was so beautiful and there were 2 but it was faint so our camera didn't pick it up.

Just another shot of the rainbow:)


Anonymous said...

Congrats Holly! 4 kids is a lot of fun!

Shawntae @ alittlekingandi said...

Congrats! I am pregnant too again! There must be something in the water. ;) Hope you are doing well!!

Karene said...

Wow, congrats!! You sound so optimistic about the pregnancy, that's awesome. I'd be dying if I were pregnant at this point...but I'm just a wimp where pregnancy is concerned. :) Sounds like life is good!

Joe and Elisa said...

Serious? Ugh. Totally happy for you, totally behind for me! BTW congrats to Tim! My parents told me he looked a LITTLE scared :)

Ariel said...

Whaaaaaaa!? Congrats.

Shaylah said...

Wow, that is big news! I read this on my reader when you first announced it and kept meaning to come exciting. I would be totally freaking out if it were me, but you can handle it! We are excited for you! We still miss you guys and think of you at least every time I drive by your house.