Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wicked: Take Two

Oh wow! What a night last night! As most of you know, I stood in line for Wicked tickets and Tim and I went to the show about 3 weeks ago. Well, Capitol Theatre is doing a drawing before each show now to "win" prime seats for just $25. Janet works just a block from the theatre and I really wanted to see it with her, so I asked her to come stand in line to try and win tickets. We had been planning it for 3 weeks now, but last night it finally worked out for us to try. We got there early and had a good spot in line. I told Janet that I was feeling really lucky. Now, my mom may win every contest she enters, but that has not been passed down to me. Although, people I am with usually win when I am with them. I informed Janet of this when I told her I was feeling lucky. She was doubtful. We got our names in the cauldron and stood around to wait. The first name they called was a guy standing next to us. The next name was a lady far away. The third name was some other guy standing right next to us. The fourth name was JANET HENDERSON!!! I screamed like a girl, well I am a girl, and was jumping and hugging. I was shaking and in a serious amount of shock. We got up to the front and they thought I was Janet because of my loud display of excitement :) Alas, we paid $25 for our second row seats, got some dinner at the Blue Iguana next door, and laughed and cried as we watched the show. You can check out Janet's blog on my link list for her version, which is much better than mine. I must say that the show was even better the second time around and I am plotting out how I can see it again somehow (not in Utah). The first time Galinda was played by the understudy, but last night we got the real deal and she was hilarious!! Anyway, here are the pictures of our super wicked night!

At the Blue Iguana

At the theatre- some ladies offered to triple what we paid for the tickets, but there was no way we were letting them go!

Our seats on the second row!! It was so awesome!!

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Amie said...

Wow that is so awesome!!! I'm jealous. I'm glad that it worked out and you guys got lucky!!!

Joe and Elisa said...

No way!! I am so jealous! I haven't even seen it once, and you went twice here?? INSANE!!

Melanie said...

blah blah blah, I'm happy for you, blah blah blah...

Seriously that is really awesome though.

Anonymous said...

you two still look so great! Makes me feel old...

Katie Dotson said...

Im SO jealous! You got to go twice! Me? ZERO!!!! You're such a stinker!

Ariel said...

Whatever, you always win stuff. Remember the birthday contest in Logan? Next time I enter a contest, I want you by my side. LUCKY!

ariannet said...

I am so jealous! You are lucky to get to go once, but twice is crazy! We are going to try and see it in San Diego in August, I was so bummed we couldn't get tickets to see it here!

Adam and Cristina Smith said...

hey i love your family picture at the top of your blog.